Galatians 5:22-23
1. Love: Strong, tender, compassionate, devotion to the well being of others.
2. Joy: emotional, excitement, gladness, delight over blessings received or expected for self & others-not tied to circumstances.
3. Peace: State of quietness-rest, harmony order and security in the midst of turmoil, strife & temptations.
4. Longsuffering: patient endurance to bear long with the offences, injuries & provocation of others without resentment or murmuring.
5. Gentleness: to be gentle-soft spoken, kind, even tempered-cultured, refined in character & conduct.
6. Goodness: the state of being good, kind, virtuous, benevolent, generous, God like in life & conduct.
7. Faith: confidence, assurance, trust, reliance in God & all that he says.
8. Meekness: to be gentle, kind, indulgent, even balanced in tempers & passions, patient in suffering injuries without a spirit of revenge.
9. Temperance: self-control a moderation in the indulgence of the appetite & passions.